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Version: 1.19.4

NPM Packages Repository

Publish npm packages for your user or organization.


To work with the npm package registry, you need Node.js coupled with a package manager such as Yarn or npm itself.

The registry supports scoped and unscoped packages.

The following examples use the npm tool with the scope @test.

Configuring the package registry

To register the package registry you need to configure a new package source.

npm config set {scope}:registry{owner}/npm/
npm config set -- '//{owner}/npm/:_authToken' "{token}"
scopeThe scope of the packages.
ownerThe owner of the package.
tokenYour personal access token.

For example:

npm config set @test:registry
npm config set -- '//' "personal_access_token"

or without scope:

npm config set registry
npm config set -- '//' "personal_access_token"

Publish a package

Publish a package by running the following command in your project:

npm publish

You cannot publish a package if a package of the same name and version already exists. You must delete the existing package first.

Unpublish a package

Delete a package by running the following command:

npm unpublish {package_name}[@{package_version}]
package_nameThe package name.
package_versionThe package version.

For example:

npm unpublish @test/test_package
npm unpublish @test/test_package@1.0.0

Install a package

To install a package from the package registry, execute the following command:

npm install {package_name}
package_nameThe package name.

For example:

npm install @test/test_package

Tag a package

The registry supports version tags which can be managed by npm dist-tag:

npm dist-tag add {package_name}@{version} {tag}
package_nameThe package name.
versionThe version of the package.
tagThe tag name.

For example:

npm dist-tag add test_package@1.0.2 release

The tag name must not be a valid version. All tag names which are parsable as a version are rejected.

Search packages

The registry supports searching but does not support special search qualifiers like author:gitea.

Supported commands

npm install
npm ci
npm publish
npm unpublish
npm dist-tag
npm view
npm search