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Version: 1.19.4

Template Repositories

Gitea 1.11.0 and above includes template repositories, and one feature implemented with them is auto-expansion of specific variables within your template files.

To tell Gitea which files to expand, you must include a template file inside the .gitea directory of the template repository.

Gitea uses gobwas/glob for its glob syntax. It closely resembles a traditional .gitignore, however there may be slight differences.

Example .gitea/template file

All paths are relative to the base of the repository

# All .go files, anywhere in the repository

# All text files in the text directory

# A specific file

# Batch files in both upper or lower case can be matched

The template file will be removed from the .gitea directory when a repository is generated from the template.

Variable Expansion

In any file matched by the above globs, certain variables will be expanded.

All variables must be of the form $VAR or ${VAR}. To escape an expansion, use a double $$, such as $$VAR or $${VAR}

VariableExpands ToTransformable
REPO_NAMEThe name of the generated repository
TEMPLATE_NAMEThe name of the template repository
REPO_DESCRIPTIONThe description of the generated repository
TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTIONThe description of the template repository
REPO_OWNERThe owner of the generated repository
TEMPLATE_OWNERThe owner of the template repository
REPO_LINKThe URL to the generated repository
TEMPLATE_LINKThe URL to the template repository
REPO_HTTPS_URLThe HTTP(S) clone link for the generated repository
TEMPLATE_HTTPS_URLThe HTTP(S) clone link for the template repository
REPO_SSH_URLThe SSH clone link for the generated repository
TEMPLATE_SSH_URLThe SSH clone link for the template repository

Transformers 🤖

Gitea 1.12.0 adds a few transformers to some of the applicable variables above.

For example, to get REPO_NAME in PASCAL-case, your template would use ${REPO_NAME_PASCAL}

Feeding go-sdk to the available transformers yields...
