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Version: 1.23.6

Helm Chart Registry

Publish Helm charts for your user or organization.


To work with the Helm Chart registry use a simple HTTP client like curl or the helm cm-push plugin.

Publish a package

Publish a package by running the following command:

curl --user {username}:{password} -X POST --upload-file ./{chart_file}.tgz{owner}/helm/api/charts

or with the helm cm-push plugin:

helm repo add  --username {username} --password {password} {repo}{owner}/helm
helm cm-push ./{chart_file}.tgz {repo}
usernameYour Gitea username.
passwordYour Gitea password. If you are using 2FA or OAuth use a personal access token instead of the password.
repoThe name for the repository.
chart_fileThe Helm Chart archive.
ownerThe owner of the package.

Install a package

To install a Helm char from the registry, execute the following command:

helm repo add  --username {username} --password {password} {repo}{owner}/helm
helm repo update
helm install {name} {repo}/{chart}
usernameYour Gitea username.
passwordYour Gitea password or a personal access token.
repoThe name for the repository.
ownerThe owner of the package.
nameThe local name.
chartThe name Helm Chart.