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Version: 1.23.5

Protected tags

Protected tags allow control over who has permission to create or update Git tags. Each rule allows you to match either an individual tag name, or use an appropriate pattern to control multiple tags at once.

Setting up protected tags

To protect a tag, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the repository’s Settings > Tags page.
  2. Type a pattern to match a name. You can use a single name, a glob pattern or a regular expression.
  3. Choose the allowed users and/or teams. If you leave these fields empty no one is allowed to create or modify this tag.
  4. Select Save to save the configuration.

Pattern protected tags

The pattern uses glob or regular expressions to match a tag name. For regular expressions you need to enclose the pattern in slashes.


TypePattern Protected TagPossible Matching Tags
Globv*v, v-1, version2
Globv[0-9]v0, v1 up to v9
Glob*-release2.1-release, final-release
Globgiteaonly gitea
Glob*gitea*gitea, 2.1-gitea, 1_gitea-release
Glob{v,rel}-*v-, v-1, v-final, rel-, rel-x
Glob*matches all possible tag names
Regex/\Av/v, v-1, version2
Regex/\Av[0-9]\z/v0, v1 up to v9
Regex/\Av\d+\.\d+\.\d+\z/v1.0.17, v2.1.0
Regex/\Av\d+(\.\d+){0,2}\z/v1, v2.1, v1.2.34
Regex/-release\z/2.1-release, final-release
Regex/gitea/gitea, 2.1-gitea, 1_gitea-release
Regex/\Agitea\z/only gitea
Regex/^gitea$/only gitea
Regex/\A(v|rel)-/v-, v-1, v-final, rel-, rel-x
Regex/.+/matches all possible tag names