
Conda Packages Repository

Publish Conda packages for your user or organization.


To work with the Conda package registry, you need to use conda.

Configuring the package registry

To register the package registry and provide credentials, edit your .condarc file:

channel_alias: https://gitea.example.com/api/packages/{owner}/conda
- https://gitea.example.com/api/packages/{owner}/conda
- https://gitea.example.com/api/packages/{owner}/conda
ownerThe owner of the package.

See the official documentation for explanations of the individual settings.

If you need to provide credentials, you may embed them as part of the channel url (https://user:password@gitea.example.com/...).

Publish a package

To publish a package, perform a HTTP PUT operation with the package content in the request body.

PUT https://gitea.example.com/api/packages/{owner}/conda/{channel}/{filename}
ownerThe owner of the package.
channelThe channel of the package. (optional)
filenameThe name of the file.

Example request using HTTP Basic authentication:

curl --user your_username:your_password_or_token \
--upload-file path/to/package-1.0.conda \

You cannot publish a package if a package of the same name and version already exists. You must delete the existing package first.

Install a package

To install a package from the package registry, execute one of the following commands:

conda install {package_name}
conda install {package_name}={package_version}
conda install -c {channel} {package_name}
package_nameThe package name.
package_versionThe package version.
channelThe channel of the package. (optional)