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Version: 21.5 - latest

Release Cadence and Versioning

Gitea Enterprise is released on a predictable schedule, this allows enterprises the ability to plan in advanced when to update their instance, and can include bug fixes that are pending a tagged release of the open-source Gitea project. Unscheduled releases may happen to align with security releases of the Gitea project, an alert will be sent out in this situation.

Long-Term Support Release

Due to Enterprises having longer support/update cycles, there is a long-term support release, which will include backports for bug fixes for versions of the Gitea project that are end-of-life, but still are maintained as Gitea Enterprise. Please contact us at for more details about the LTS release.

Extended Support Release

Due to the Gitea project being built against the latest version of Golang, there are limitations on operating systems that can run the project. Due to this an Extended Support Release (ESR) is a long-term support release is available of Gitea Enterprise is available to ensure that earlier operating systems can still run the latest version of Gitea Enterprise. This also includes testing for earlier databases too. Please contact us at for more details about the ESR.